The City of Toronto has been an active participant in studying wider use of green roofs as a sustainable alternative to meet many of the urban environmental challenges. In the past few years the City has shown leadership in promoting green roofs. In order to inform its actions, the City in partnership with OCE-ETech and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, engaged a team of Ryerson researchers to develop further understanding of: the types of available green roof technology, the measurable benefits of green roofs to the city’s environment, potential monetary savings to the municipality through use of green roofs, and minimum thresholds of green roofs that could be used for part of any incentives or programs. This report presents the findings on the municipal level benefits of implementing green roof technology in the City of Toronto.
Doug Banting (Ryerson University)
James Li (Ryerson University)
Paul Missios (Ryerson University)
Angela Au (Ryerson University)
Beth Anne Currie (Ryerson University)
Michael Verrati (Ryerson University)
Publication Date: October 2005